Thursday, 17 May 2012

5 different views on STROKES

Tutorial 5: 5 Sources about STROKES
STROKES, we will be having to deal with these a lot in out OT profession so I decide to get a better understanding of strokes.
The first is a clip is about what a stroke really is, it is a great explanation. Then goes to advertise a drug to help, not sure about that- in the last minute; stop it when you like.

In other class of ours we have been taught about ways stroke can impede on your speech. One type is Broca’s aphasia. Basically you completely comprehend what is being said to you can’t physically say the words. It would be so frustrating; to be honest if you didn’t know the girl in the video I will post. You would think she was like dumb (sorry not very pc). So it is called Broca’s aphasia because that is the part of the brain that is impeded.  Broca’s area is the inferior frontal lobe near motor cortex control of lips and mouth. Predominantly in the left hemisphere, and is associated with motor control of language.

Wow, this was an eye opener. I presumed like people over 15 like got strokes. NOOOO!!! Here is a precious little girl and her therapists explaining her progress.
Occupational therapy and stroke - Dina's story - YouTube

The clip that follows, just shows you how fast a stroke can hit, pretty scary. We shouldn’t take life for granted.

Last but not least is a blog about Kat, her loving husband, and some family. The progress since May 2007.What’s Been Happening? «

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